As a little sidetrack from the work I’m doing at Pattern Design (a platform for repeatable vector patterns) I tried to programmatically create some SVG graphics myself – which is really easy with Groovy (like pretty much everything in Groovy 🙂 )
One of the more or less beautiful patterns is available on Pattern Design – Vertical Confetti Wave
Basically it wraps MarkupBuilder and provides some additional help. So, with some lines of code, you can start creating some fancy SVG imagery like this:
Together with the SVGBuilder which provides the groundwork
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
class SVGBuilder {
static createSvg(File outputFile, Closure content) {
def writer = new StringWriter()
def markupBuilder = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
def width = 1000
def height = 1000
def binding = new Binding()
binding.setVariable('width', width)
binding.setVariable('height', height)
binding.setVariable('markupBuilder', markupBuilder) //provide the markupBuilder in case it's needed for advanced stuff
binding.setVariable('functions', [hsbColor: hsbColor])
writer << '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'
markupBuilder.svg(width:height,height:height, xmlns:'', 'xmlns:xlink':'', version:'1.1') {
outputFile.withWriter {
it << writer.toString()
static def hsbColor = { hue, saturation = 1.0f, brightness = 1.0f ->
def color = java.awt.Color.getHSBColor(hue as float, saturation as float, brightness as float)
return "rgb(${},${},${})"
there’s a nice image you can use for your mother-in-law’s birthday invitation card.